that chemistry deals with the composition, structure, properties and interection of matter and is of much use to human beings in daily life. These aspects can be best described and understood in terms of basic constituents of matter that are atoms and molecules. That is why, chemistry is also called the science of atoms and molecules.
Chemistry is the branch of science which studies matter—its composition, prop-erties, and changes. Scientists attempt to discover and describe matter, then deter-mine why these kinds of matter have particular characteristics and why changes in this matter occur.
This book introduces chemistry to beginners. It does this “progressively”, that is, the presentation moves logically from experimental observations to theory.
Unit 1: Introduction to Chemistry and the Nature of Science Nature of Science Goal—Science is based on observations, data, analysis and conclusions. 1. I can distinguish between hypothesis, theory, and law as these terms are used in science. 2. I …
This book is mainly about Physical Chemistry and explains the basic concepts of gases, liquids and solids, the relation of properties to structure, the chemical changes, the trends and patterns in the Periodic Table.
Chemistry1 is the study of matter and the changes that material substances undergo. Of all the scientific disciplines, it is perhaps the most extensively connected to other fields of study. Geologists who want to locate new mineral or oil deposits use chemical techniques to analyze and identify rock samples.
SOME BASIC CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY 1 1 UNIT 1 After studying this unit, you will be able to • understand and appreciate the role of chemistry in different spheres of life; • explain the characteristics of three states of matter; • classify different substances into elements, compounds and mixtures; • define SI base units and list some
Chemistry is the limb of science that studies the composition, properties and interaction of matter. Chemists are enquiring in knowing how chemical transformations occur. Chemistry plays a mean role in science and is often entwine with other branches of science like physics, biology, geology etc. Chemistry also plays an important character in ...
In this chapter we will cover some of the basic concepts necessary to begin discussing chemistry. Know the definitions of underlined words. Read this section on your own. The process called the “scientific method” is process of problem solving that will …
Introduction to Basic Chemistry •Matter- anything that has mass (the amount of matter) and occupies space –Liquid –Solid –Gas •Chemical elements- chemical substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary chemical reactions •Chemical symbols States of Matter Periodic Table Atoms