Medical terms and definitions during pregnancy and birth
Like all areas of medicine, pregnancy and childbirth has a number of specialised terms, many of which you will hear during your own pregnancy and labour and the birth of your baby. The following list provides definitions for some of the more common terms. Abortion – termination (end) of a pregnancy.
Labor and Birth Terms to Know - American Pregnancy Association
Find out more about the key labor and birth terms you need to know. Abruptio Placenta (Placental Abruption): The placenta has started to separate from the uterine wall before the baby is born. Amniotic Fluid: This protective liquid, consisting mostly of fetal urine and water, fills the sac surrounding the fetus.
Pregnancy Glossary: A to Z Guide to Pregnancy Terminology - What to Expect
Not sure what that medical term means? No worries, Mama, we've got you covered. From "abdomen" to "zygote," here's your A-Z guide to pregnancy terminology.
Chapter 8 Obstetrics Terminology - Medical Terminology - NCBI …
Obstetrics (ŏb-STE-triks) (OB) is a medical specialty dealing with pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, also known as puerperium (pū-ĕr-PĒ-rē-ŭm), the period from delivery until the reproductive organs return to normal (approximately six weeks).
Newborn: Baby in the 1st month of life. Non-stress test (NST): External monitoring of fetal heart rate and uterine contractions. An NST assesses a baby’s well-being. Normal spontaneous vaginal delivery (NSVD): A vaginal birth, without the use of forceps or vacuum.
Childbirth | definition of childbirth by Medical dictionary
Childbirth includes both labor (the process of birth) and delivery (the birth itself); it refers to the entire process as an infant makes its way from the womb down the birth canal to the outside world.
Glossary of pregnancy and labour - Pregnancy, Birth and Baby
Viable is a medical term used to describe a pregnancy where the baby can be born and have a reasonable chance of survival. Vulva is the term used to describe the external female sex organs.
Pregnancy Glossary - WebMD
Aug 8, 2024 · A baby born during this time is full-term. If it is born prior to 38 weeks and 6 days, it is premature. High-risk pregnancy is when you or your baby are at increased risk of a health problem.
GLOSSARY AND ACRONYMS - Pregnancy, Childbirth, …
A plan for safe childbirth developed in antenatal care visit which considers the woman's condition, preferences and available resources. A plan to seek care for danger signs during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period, for the woman and newborn.
Ectopic pregnancy: A pregnancy occurring elsewhere than in the uterus, most often in a fallopian tube. Symptoms includes spasmodic, crampy pain with tenderness starting on one side and often spreading throughout the abdomen; pain may worsen …