All Deaf Community, Culture, & Sign Language
All Deaf is the largest online community and resource hub for people with hearing loss. Learn real-life success and challenging stories, ASL, and more.
Translating a song from English to TRUE Asl. | Deaf Community
Nov 28, 2012 · Having new ASL students attempt to translate songs is something hearing ASL teachers (ick) seem to LOVE to do because (being hearing themselves) they think it's "cool". It's a bit like giving a pre-schooler paints and asking them to paint the Mona Lisa.
"Ohio" City Signs - Deaf Community
Oct 23, 2009 · Hi Everyone! I was wondering if any Ohioans (or anyone else) had ASL signs for Ohio's three major cities: "Columbus," "Cleveland," and "Cincinnati." I once saw a sign for "Columbus" that is a "C" moved from left-to-right (like the movement for the signs for "Where?" or "Restroom"). I...
Differences between SEE/PSE/ASL - Deaf Community
Jun 4, 2007 · PSE or Pidgen Sign Language uses ASL signs in English word order, but it only signs the important words or enough of the sentence to be understood. It's not SEE, it's not ASL, it's somewhere in the middle. ASL I don't know well, I can't use it much because for me it can be confusing at times and can lead to miscommunications. But I try to ...
So Many Different Signs for One Word. | Deaf Community
May 1, 2003 · AB, ASL is no different than any other language on earth. They all have different words to say the same thing. While ASL isn't based on English grammar, its signs are based on English words, and the history of English has causes it to assimilate many languages until it has more words than any other tongue on earth.
Sign for Orphan? - Deaf Community
Jun 19, 2005 · I don't understand why people have often have such hard time reading OP first post. Just read. JUST. READ: I tried to look it up in ASL dictionary online but couldn't find one (the word).
Converting English text to ASL gloss - Deaf Community
Aug 17, 2011 · Dear all, I'm new in this forum. And I found it very interesting. I'm working on sign language processing. So, I want to know how can i convert English written text to ASL gloss. 1/ Are there rules to respect ? 2/ Are there useful online ressources ? Thank you.
ASL, SEE Sign, & Signed English - Deaf Community
Jun 12, 2006 · ASL is a visual language, and speechreading or listening skills are not needed to learn ASL fluently. Because of its visual nature, ASL is very graphic, and understanding of concepts can be promoted more easily. It has developed over time through usage by deaf individuals and is a free-flowing, natural language. ASL is a language complete in ...
Asl vs signed english - Deaf Community
Dec 13, 2016 · ASL is a complete and autonomous visual language. Its grammar and syntax are logical for a visual language. ...
Links to websites for learning ASL - Deaf Community
Mar 24, 2008 · This site provides links for all different sign languages from all over for baby sign language. ASL, BSL, AUSLAN, Arabic, Austrian, Croatian, Flemish, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Japan, National Aviation and Norwegian. ASL Dictionary This is a new site and has things for learning ASL and deaf culture. This should be a good start.