IIT Delhi Logo & Brand Assets (SVG, PNG and vector) - Brandfetch
Find the IIT Delhi style guide with brand assets such as logos, colors, fonts, and more.
Logo Usage Guidelines | IIIT-Delhi - Indraprastha Institute of ...
Single-Colour: The logo is to be used in single-colour (only white) when it is used against a coloured background or a photograph. This is to make sure the colours do not end up clashing with the colour of the background, hence the white single colour treatment.
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Logo PNG Vector - seeklogo
Download free Indian Institute of Technology Delhi vector logo and icons in PNG, SVG, AI, EPS, CDR formats.
Logo usage Guidelines - IIT Delhi
The logo is designed by taking inspiration from the forms of leaves (depicting sustainibility and growth), Venn diagrammes (depicting interdisciplinary nature of IITD), a diamond (representing the event) and the iconic Dogra hall roof (depicting research and excellence).
Diamond Jubliee - IIT Delhi
The logo is designed by taking inspiration from the forms of leaves (depictingsustainibility and growth), Venn diagrammes (depicting interdisciplinarynature of IITD), a diamond (representing the event) and the iconic Dograhall roof (depicting research and excellence).
Graphic Identity - Logo | IIIT-Delhi
The logo of IIIT-Delhi has been designed to embody a modern technology institute of vision, variety and progression. The contemporary wordmark clearly reads Triple-I-T-D at a glance, therefore recognisable and memorable.
Graphic Identity & Logo | IIIT-Delhi - Indraprastha Institute of ...
Read below to know more about the different elements and applications of the graphic identity as well as how to use them. You can also download logos and Doc/Presentation templates below. The colours specified here comprise the primary colour palette for IIITD.
File:Indian_Institute_of_Technology_Delhi_Logo.svg - Wikiwand
This is the logo for IIT Delhi. The entire logo is used to convey the meaning intended and avoid tarnishing or misrepresenting the intended image. Low resolution? This is an SVG vector …
Download IIT Delhi Icon Logo Vector & PNG
Download this IIT Delhi Icon Logo Vector and use it in your design instead of using a low-resolution jpg image of this logo, to protect your design from being pixelated. The vector file format is ideal for large size signs and outdoor advertising designs.
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Logo (IIT Delhi)
Apr 26, 2021 · IIT Delhi, officially the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, is a public (university) institute of technology located in Delhi, India. ভারতীয় প্রযুক্তিবিদ্যা প্রতিষ্ঠান দিল্লি.