Dec 31, 2023 · On behalf of the City of Holts Summit, I am pleased to welcome you to the official City of Holts Summit website. We are a community that has experienced vast growth since its …
Holts Summit finally incorporated in 1973. The first Mayor was Stuart M. Hunter and the first aldermen were Harry B. Rich, David K. Hunter, Gary R. Cowherd and Jack Ridenhour.
There are a few beautiful parks in the city of Holts Summit. They each have their own unique feel about them. Below you will read the history and/or creation of each park. There is also …
The current rate for sewer utility in Holts Summit are as follows: Monthly User Fee (In-town) - Base Rate: $23.51 - An additional $8.08 will be added per every thousand gallons used.
Looking for a place to hold a meeting or a private party? Looking for a wedding venue or a building to rent for the reception? Holts Summit Parks and Recreation has a few facilities that …
Hibernia Station Park is located right next to the Holts Summit Police Station and is equipped for family fun. When visiting the park you will find a park pavilion, basketball court, 3/4 of a mile …
As of April 2019, ordinances for the City of Holts Summit can now be found online at For more information regarding ordinances, please call Holts Summit City Hall …
The Municipal Court for the City of Holts Summit is a Division of the Circuit Court of Callaway County. It decides cases involving alleged violations of city ordinances. If you have received a …