The Tigray Peace and Security Bureau has rejected the interim administration's suspension of three senior military commanders ...
“At any moment, the war between Ethiopia and Eritrea could break out,” Tsadkan, who was formerly Chief of Staff of the ...
Hundreds of former combatants and families of deceased fighters in Adigrat, the largest city in Tigray's Eastern Zone, held a protest on March 5, 2025, demanding land allocations for housing and work, ...
As analysts warn of a ‘creeping coup d’etat’ in Ethiopia’s northernmost region, both Ethiopia and Eritrea are reportedly ...
Lt. Gen. Tsadkan Gebretensae, Vice President and Democratization Cabinet Secretariat of the Tigray Interim Administration, has warned that war between Ethiopia and Eritrea "seems inevitable," with ...
(ህወሓት) አመራሮች መካከል የተፈጠረው አለመግባባት ተካሮ፣ ዛሬ በዓዲግራት ከተማ የከንቲባ ጽሕፈት ቤት ይገባኛል ጥያቄ ውዝግብ መፍጠሩ ተገለጸ። በዶ.ር ደብረ ጽዮን ገብረ ሚካኤል የሚመራው የህወሓት ...
በትግራይ ክልል ያለው ውጥረት በንግግር እንዲፈታ በኢትዮጵያ የአውሮፓ ኅብረት አምባሳደር ጠይቀዋል። አምባሳደሯ ሶፊ ፍሮም፣ በኅብረቱ እና በኢትዮጵያ የሁለትዮሽ ግንኙነት ዙሪያ ዛሬ መግለጫ በሰጡበት ...
Nearly 1,000 civilians have been killed and hundreds more injured by military drone strikes across Africa over the past three ...
በትናንትው እለት የአቶ ጌታቸው ረዳ የተጻፈ ደብዳቤ ሶስት ከፍተኛ ወታደራዊ አመራሮች ማለትም፤ ሜጀር ጀነራል ዮሃንስ ወልደጊዮርጊሰ፣ ሜጀር ጀነራል ማሾ በየነ እና ብርጋዴር ጀነራል ምግበይ ሀይለ ...
As tensions between Ethiopia and Eritrea escalate, the region of Tigray stands at the heart of a looming conflict, writes one ...
Fano fought beside federal troops during the two-year conflict in Tigray, but in the aftermath, Amhara people from outside ...