A quarantine tank will save lives. Fish can be slowly acclimatised and screened for infectious diseases, sick ones can be medicated and you can even breed in one! The components for one of these are ...
Unless you’ve accidentally locked yourself in the fridge, you’ll be unable to miss just how sweltering it is this summer, writes Nathan Hill. Here are a few ways to keep your fish happy over this ...
Matt Clarke highlights the Threadfin trevally, Alectis ciliaris, a species you should most definitely avoid... Common name: Threadfin trevally, African pompano, Pennantfish. Scientific name: Alectis ...
How do you keep halfbeaks in the aquarium? Dr Heok Hee Ng has the information you need. These depend on the halfbeaks you keep, as members of the Hemiramphidae family live in habitats ranging from ...
Yasha goby: small but perfectly formed - and now another in a growing list of marine fish to be successfully bred in captivity. Image by Practical Fishkeeping. The first aquacultured Yasha gobies, ...