In the late 1950s, Bob Dylan, then Minnesota-born Robert Zimmerman, made his way to Fargo to play his music — and he stayed here in a house on Seventh Street, up in the attic.
According to Jason McCoy, tobacco prevention coordinator for Clay County, the county plans to enforce the new rules starting ...
About 138,000 North Dakota households applied for the subsidy in its inaugural year, which the Office of State Tax ...
North Dakota sees more than 600 flu cases in a week and rising norovirus outbreaks. Experts stress handwashing, vaccines, and hydration to stay well.
Ahead of the FCS Championship, Frisco, Texas, police enhance safety plans, assuring fans they’re ready for any threat.
A North Dakota town set off 12 massive 16-inch shells, drawing 5,000 attendees, with proceeds aiding Great Plains Food Bank.
The National Archery Scholarship Tour gave 77 competitors a chance to win $300 to $1,200 for their passion for archery.
The appeal brief detailed why the evidence in Nicholas Morgan-Derosier’s child sex abuse material case should be thrown out.
BISMARCK — An administrator at Bismarck State College will assume the role of acting president following the departure of the ...
MOORHEAD — After more than 50 years in business, the Moorhead-based record and gift store, Mother’s, will close on March 1.
Manuel Perez Jr. is accused of entering two people's homes, robbing them at gunpoint, then fleeing to a tent encampment by the Red River in late November.
According to a Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry press release, it found Sanford willfully violated Minnesota’s ...