Welcome to this seminar entitled "Power in powerful discourses – constructing immigration in European parliaments" where you can contribute with questions and insights. In this talk, I will present an ...
Master thesis in Physics presentation. The title is "A Computational Model for Handwritten Text Detection and Segmentation in Historical Spanish Manuscripts". Historical manuscripts are worthy to be ...
Opponent and examining committee Opponent: Professor Gareth Leng, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Examining committee: Associate professor Louise Olofsson ...
Göteborgs universitet Box 100 405 30 Göteborg Telefonväxel 031-786 00 00 Vardagar 8-16.30 Besöksadress Huvudbyggnad Vasaparken, Universitetsplatsen 1 Org. nummer: 202100-3153 ...
Med Sara Uhnoo, docent och universitetslektor i sociologi, verksam vid Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet.
Combining classical principles of mechanics and physics of solids with cutting-edge data science techniques has resulted in very accurate and efficient data-driven approaches. Data-driven models have ...
Kursen "Miljöhistoria och ekokritik" ger dig verktyg att förstå relationen mellan människa, djur och natur – från antikens idéer till dagens klimatutmaningar. Vi ställer tre frågor till Björn Billing ...
Join us when Kristin Jesnes, doctoral student in Work Science, defends her thesis entitled ‘Power relations in appbased food delivery in Norway’. Examination committee: Ines Wagner, Professor at the ...
Welcome to a seminar with Chris Mathieu, Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology at Lund University.
A blood test can show whether a new heart is tolerated by the recipient and not rejected. This has been shown in a thesis from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. This means that heart transplant ...
Det nordiska forskningsprojektet vill erbjuda en läroplattform med lättillgänglig information som höjer HBTQ+-kompetensen inom högre utbildningsprogram. Tillsammans med forskare vid Helsingfors ...
A new report which provides an overview of the current knowledge of person-centred care has been released. A new report entitled Towards State of the Science in Person-Centred Care has been released.