"The People’s Joker," a superhero parody cinematic anomaly, revolves around a transwoman, Joker the Harlequin (Vera Drew, who also directs), as she looks to penetrate the Gotham media scene as a stand ...
Out actor Sir Ian McKellen is the titular character in "The Critic," now available on DVD, the feared and reviled drama critic for The Daily Chronicle, a "right-wing rag" in early 1930s London.
Science magazine has chosen twice-yearly lenacapavir PrEP as its 2024 Breakthrough of the Year, recognizing it as a ...
The man accused of stabbing gay reality TV star Eduardo Xol to death in Palm Springs is in no hurry to go to trial.
El Cerrito City Councilmember Carolyn Wysinger, a Black lesbian, made history Tuesday when her colleagues voted for her to be ...
We’re making a list (every week), checking it twice, and while we don’t care if you’re naughty or nice, we’ve got plenty of ...
We sought and found tidings of comfort and joy — to quote "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlefolk." And, in the midst of great ...
For gay and bisexual men of a certain age, Playgirl provided the first in-hand periodical that featured full-frontal male ...
In several weeks gay District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman will know if he will wield the gavel at Board of Supervisors ...
The cousin of a Black gay arts student found hanging outside the Concord BART station back in 1985 wants the case reopened.
Democratic lawmakers face a tough decision, and we would argue that they should have voted against it — the NDAA would have ...
Activists fighting the Kids Online Safety Act — which passed the United States Senate earlier this year — have found an ...