Speaking over giant screens from Santa Marta, the pontiff blessed the “Bambinelli” and expressed words of sorrow for Gaza in ...
查亚普拉(亚洲新闻) - 希望逃离印尼巴布亚地区日益激烈的冲突的流离失所者能够在圣诞节前返回家园。这是查亚普拉教区主教亚努阿里乌斯·提奥菲勒斯·马托派尤(Yanuarius Theofilus Matopai ...
俄罗斯帝国至少解体过三次,分别是17世纪的斯穆塔、1917年革命和1991年苏联解体,每次都以新面目进行改革。普京的“主权”是当前恢复结构、尤其是帝国心态的尝试,正如英属俄罗斯主义鼻祖之一、苏格兰历史学家杰弗里·艾伦·霍斯金(Geoffrey ...
In the mountains of Indonesian Papua, new military operations against separatists have forced hundreds of people to flee into ...
Sulle montagne della Papua indonesiana nuove operazioni dell'esercito contro gli indipendentisti hanno costretto centinaia di ...
In his greetings to the Roman Curia, the pontiff spoke again about what is happening in Gaza, where Patriarch Pizzaballa was ...
The International Cricket Council (ICC) made the announcement on Thursday since the two national teams have tended to avoid ...
Ten years later, at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s Minister of Transport, Anthony Loke, said that the ...
Today's headlines: Ukraine’s military drops leaflets in Korean on North Korean soldiers fighting in Russia. In Myanmar, the Arakan Army seized another important outpost. Cracks appear in Afghanistan’s ...
At the end-of-year press conference, Putin wanted to show the face of a winner, not only because of the additional bits of territory conquered in the Donbass, but also to convey the sense of Russia&#3 ...
Durante gli auguri alla Curia romana una nuova fortissima denuncia su quanto continua ad avvenire nella Striscia, dove in ...