Craig Carlson is developing educational content for the target audience of lifewide learning, such as adult learners in ...
Craig Carlson tunnistaa ja kehittää opetussisältöjä elämänlaajuisen oppimisen kohderyhmille, kuten työelämässä oleville aikuisoppijoille.
Pengxin Wang’s AScI internship advanced AI research, fostered global friendships, and inspired his journey toward trustworthy ...
The HCNN seminar will showcase different viewpoints to the common interest, neurodegerative diseases, in the form of presentations about research projects. Alongside compact presentations, there will ...
Roope Räsänen will present their MSc thesis on Thursday 19 Decembermber at 14:30 in Zoom ...
Hanna Mattila is a Visiting Professor at Aalto University, Dept. of Built Environment, where she leads an Academy of Finland funded research consortium project Transforming anatomies of democratic ...
Talent Boost -projekti Aallossa päättyy virallisesti joulukuussa 2024. Tämä artikkeli tarkastelee projektin saavutuksia ...
The Talent Boost project at Aalto will officially conclude in December 2024. This article takes a look at its achievements.
Aalto-yliopiston postdoc-tutkija Laura Berger ja hänen työryhmänsä ovat saaneet Koneen säätiön 541 400 euron apurahan ...
Olen Elisa Kultanen, 26-vuotias, alun perin Pohjois-Karjalasta.
Association for Information Systems (AIS) -järjestö myönsi professori Matti Rossille ja hänen tiimilleen, johon kuuluivat ...
Association for Information Systems (AIS) awarded Professor Matti Rossi and his team Kalle Lyytinen, Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, ...