Today , a savage in a NY subway set a fellow passenger on FIRE and walked away. The poor woman burned to death on the subway car before anyone could help her. T ...
Liberal politicians Hate walls and guns, except the ones that keep them safe! Just ask Phil Murphy or Nancy Pelosi!
The council snuck through the firing of its administrator by keeping the resolutions off the advance agenda, waiting until the end of the meeting, which was the las ...
Trump demands the return of OUR Panama Canal. Recall Americans built it . America is the number one user. Strategic to our defense and commerce. Jimmy( I’ll neve ...
Wildwood Crest - Calling this the Musk-Trump administration is too long, We should just call it the Mumps. I wonder if there's a vaccine for it them yet?
Trump wants to delete the debt ceiling so he can spend, spend, spend. Except he wants it done now so that he can blame Biden for doing it. He’s already trying t ...
Muslim Studies. The problem is he praise the October 8th attacks in Israel as being "awesome". Just in ...
I'm not sure who here in West Wildwood is claiming shop lifting is down. I see our Borough police handling cases all the time involving people coming into town. Th ...
Other - 13% property tax hike in Chester County PA will help with the salaries of all County Government employees! We are one of the lowest, yet the wealthiest in PA.
Already the Trump Effect is taking place, resulting in politicians AND foreign countries getting in line. It's amazing what a ripple effect this man has...we will ...
The first human case of avian influenza in Iowa has been confirmed, the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services confirmed Friday. Iowa HHS said the person was expose ...
Everyone should have known in March of 2021 when Biden fell on the steps of Air Force One three times and could not recover. It’s been all downhill from there .