The Last Showgirl, directed by Gia Coppola, tells the story of a veteran dancer struggling to find a new purpose in the Vegas entertainment industry after the closing of Le Razzle Dazzle, a ...
Pamela Anderson's performance reclaims the humanity of so many women, not so different from herself, who took on a role the ...
Demi Moore played a character close to home in her career-reviving The Substance, but she’s far from the only one, as Will ...
And it’s a sign of what a sharply drawn movie “The Last Showgirl” is that after Shelly’s estranged daughter, Hannah (Billie Lourd), watches her mom perform in Le Razzle Dazzle, she ...
Playing an aging showgirl in Las Vegas called Le Razzle Dazzle, the themes of fading beauty and the leering male gaze dovetailed seamlessly onto Anderson’s own life. This isn’t a mere coincidence.
This isn’t the way things were supposed to go for Pamela Anderson. As the 2020s dawned, she could reflect that she’d had a ...