A New Jersey judge ruled Richard Dennis, accused of stabbing a Camden police officer, could not be released ahead of future ...
Details are emerging of people rounded up while ICE searched for someone else. Juan was arrested outside a family’s business.
The center in Newark, just miles from Manhattan, is close to an international airport and is expected to have space for as ...
A Montgomery County detention officer was arrested Thursday and accused of engaging in sexual activity with an inmate.
A former educator in County's juvenile hall who was arrested in a child predator sting was sentenced to 45 days in Yuba ...
The video, which is nearly 11 minutes long, erupts into chaos in its final seconds after Matthew Huttle runs from a sheriff's ...
An animal abuse investigation culminated into Cali and another dog being seized from their owner who later plead guilty to a ...
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said Wednesday it would reopen a 1,000-bed New Jersey detention center ...
Marshall Van Nelson, 52, who faced child pornography charges, was found hanging by a bedsheet, according to the Hillsborough ...
Justin Barrett Frazell, 51, a former host on Fort Worth’s KFWR 95.9 The Ranch, pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a ...
The Butler County Jail has renewed its agreement with the U.S. Marshals Service to detain people facing deportation.
The Kremlin said on Thursday it believed a one-year jail term and political ban handed down to Bosnian Serb separatist leader ...