Charge cards and credit cards both allow you to make purchases without paying cash, but there are a few key differences.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Rohit Chopra tells Yahoo Finance that the high interest rates charged by credit ...
Dear Quentin, My husband has a parent PLUS Loan debt for his daughter from his first marriage, totaling several thousand ...
Despite Fed Cuts, Many Store Credit Cards Are Still Charging Customers Extreme Interest Rates ...
As far as I can tell, most card issuers have no strategy for consumers becoming an order of magnitude smarter overnight. This ...
Gift card fraud. Scammers like to demand payment in gift cards, which are not easily traceable. If someone asks you to pay ...
If the idea of juggling multiple credit cards is stressful, sticking with one may be the way to go, but choosing that ...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Wednesday warned that credit card companies devaluing or canceling reward points, ...
The federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Wednesday warned law enforcement agencies that some credit card companies ...
People who redeem their rewards quickly tend to get the most value overall due to inflation and rewards program devaluations.
Some credit card companies with rewards programs may be breaking the law by using bait-and-switch tactics, the Consumer ...
Major card issuers often play a “shell game” and deny consumers the rewards they have earned, the Consumer Financial ...