The Constitution begins and ends with We the People. Some constitutional scholars believe that Article V, which sets forth the amendment process, is the key to the Constitution's success.
The agreement was among states, not people, and the safety and liberties to be secured were the safety and liberties of the states. The very opening words of the Constitution, “We the People of ...
The Constitution does not mention political parties, yet they play an important role in U.S. government. They began to emerge with disputes over the ratification of the Constitution, becoming ...
We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution Program was developed over a decade ago in the bicentennial year of the Constitution with the leadership of United States Supreme Court Chief Justice ...
We the People of the United States ... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Download the eBook here.
Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Loretta Rush told participants that by being involved with We the People they were more ...
In defense of ‘We the People’ ...
EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WFIE) - Castle South Middle School earned second in the We The People: The Citizen and the Constitution ...