Palla Srinivasa Rao on Tuesday praised Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu for his efforts that led to the allocation of Rs. 11,400 crore from the center during the Vajpayee era for the development ...
Finally, Vajpayee gave the go-ahead. There was an urgency about the 1998 test. After they found out and forced P.V. Narasimha Rao to cancel his test, the atom-armed big five had been making life ...
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India sends humanitarian aid to Sao Tome & Principe, reaffirms its commitment to Global South ...
The three values of olympism are excellence, respect and friendship. They constitute the foundation on which the olympic movement builds its activities to promote sport, culture and education with a ...
The centenary celebrations of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee commenced on Tuesday with the inauguration of the Atal Swasthya Mela in Lucknow, setting the stage for a series of ...