Ravel’s solo piano works, choral pieces by David Lang and Palestrina, and miniatures written for the pianist Adam Tendler are among the highlights.
Every week, dozens and dozens of albums manifest from the ether. (Or, wherever records get pressed, really.) It’s hard to tell what’s good, what’s bad and what’s just mostly undeserving of your time ...
For now, however, brevity seems to be the name of the game. As Nathan puts it, "The attention span is just too short!" For ...
Clown tells NME: "Eloy is in the band and there’s something happening between the nine of us right now that is very fun. A lot is floating around and we probably have several albums in us right now.
25th November 1963: Liverpudlian beat combo The Beatles, from left to right Paul McCartney ... A few years later, the now-defunct group did something unusual: they released two albums on the ...