In Steven Soderbergh's supernatural thriller Presence, a family finds they aren't alone in their new house. It's a ghost ...
Paranormal tourism is a niche in the travel industry, and while it has captivated travelers abroad, are Indians warming up to ...
The Tinker Swiss Cottage Museum and Gardens is a must-visit destination for history buffs, architecture enthusiasts, and ...
At this point, it becomes apparent that he had been the ghost all along. When the family had previously sought out the help ...
Lucy Liu stars in the director’s clever haunted-house mystery that adopts the perspective of the specter.
Soderbergh's unique, creepy and moving ghost story will give you goosebumps - 4/5 The acclaimed director delivers a new spin ...
"The Haunting of Joni Evers" boasts a dreamy close-but-not-quite-realistic visual style that wears its vintage David Lynch mystery inspiration proudly.
The filmmaker turns a supernatural thriller into a first-person storytelling experiment and a family drama that'd make Eugene ...
Steven Soderbergh’s Presence is a ghostly experiment in storytelling that’s eerie and ambitious but struggles to deliver ...
There’s only so much that a person can hold before everything collapses.” With Presence now in theaters, Vogue spoke to Liu ...
Buckle up and prepare to be amazed as you visit 9 unbelievable attractions scattered across Michigan that are unlike anything ...
Although it premiered at Sundance almost a year ago, Steven Soderbergh’s Presence is finally making its way to theaters, and audiences may well find ...