Garmin’s most high-profile watch family gets a serving of smartwatch gloss and the ability to dive deep underwater.
The University at Albany will offer $5,000 scholarships to exceptional high school and transfer students to boost enrollment in its College of Nanotechnology, Science and Engineering.
Dipping fresh, hot fries into a cold, sweet milkshake is a tried-and-true treat. Turns out, there are scientific reasons why ...
Girls may not underrate their math performance compared to boys, after all. But math-oriented sciences are a different matter.
These liking-and-paying brain processes are similar across in-person vs. online shopping. But other research suggests there ...
New research finds billions of tons of carbon get trapped in the everyday objects that make up the "technosphere." ...
“Neuroeconomics is a field of study that uses theories and methods from neuroscience, psychology and economics to better ...
ISU's Board of Trustees approved the new degree program last year. After it launches in August, it's expected to draw 50-60 ...
The Newsom administration is refining a contentious set of proposed rules, years in the making, that would reshape how farms ...
Statistical significance and scientific importance are distinct, equally valuable aspects of communicating the significance ...
This is part of Mumbrella’s 2024 Christmas campaign coverage. Click here to see other articles in the series. In Campaign ...
Your body could become a battery for wearable devices, thanks to a breakthrough in harvesting waste energy from 6G wireless ...