A pulled (or strained) muscle could take a few days to feel better. Severe injury could take weeks to months. Find out what ...
Contrary to prior data, this study shows that neither eosinophils nor STAT6-mediated IL-4/IL-13 signaling contribute ...
As the most important muscle in our body, any serious issues with our heart are considered critical and reason for ...
Patches of beating, lab-grown muscle sewn into failing hearts can keep patients alive for years while they wait for a transplant, scientists have shown. In a major breakthrough, 15 patients suffering ...
Patches of beating, lab-grown muscle sewn into failing hearts can keep patients alive for years while they wait for a ...
"I get people travelling from all over. I have one woman who comes from Abu Dhabi, another who comes from Nice. People fly ...
“People don’t come to me for a first time expecting comfort. The people I put on my social media pages are in the funny ...
Sofia Voss was in position to be the next great Durango High School distance runner in the long line of talented athletes ...
From bicycle beacons to camping lamps, every lab member has a portable light on their bench to visualize the gossamer brain-tissue samples in their lab dishes. These are not ordinary specimens.