The pope's return home, after the longest hospitalization of his 12-year papacy and the second-longest in recent papal ...
When we come into church, we look for the tabernacle, where the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is reposed, and we genuflect,’ the archbishop of New York explained.
Councilor Robert Rigby was formally awarded the knighthood — the highest honor a lay Catholic can be given by the Holy See — ...
And yet Francis’ critics often complain that he’s authoritarian, that he takes decisions in a vacuum and without regard to ...
James Keane's book Reading Culture Through Catholic Eyes highlights "50 Writers, Thinkers, and Firebrands" whose ...
You can’t be a priest without people, it doesn’t make theological sense. The priesthood is not about power or control' ...
On this Jubilee Year of Hope-themed episode of “,” Zac and Ashley chat with Father Ramil Fajardo, a tribunal judge in the ...
COMMENTARY: The synodal process is being positioned as a kind of capstone project for the entire Francis papacy.
Grech said the new phase’s goal “is to ensure that implementation does not happen in isolation, as if each diocese or eparchy ...
Filipino Catholic bishops called for unity, but differed in tone, after former president Rodrigo Duterte was arrested and ...
Jansen described the movie as a political thriller disguised as a religious film. One of Jansen’s favorite lines early in the ...
"Several statistics have shown that 96% of Deaf people, including those baptized Catholics, do not go to any church." ...