The first reading of a comprehensive plan amendment to allow the construction of a 360-unit apartment complex on Raulerson Ranch Road passed the Temple Terrace ...
Cedar Park City Council approved a resolution supporting a traffic and revenue study by the Central Texas Regional Mobility ...
Sound Transit staff recommended the East Marginal Way location for the Boeing Access Road infill station rather than the originally planned location between I-5 and Sounder tracks ...
A new subdivision has been approved in Pace, where some residents say the infrastructure is already not keeping up with ...
The city's Transportation Capital Improvement Program and 2024 Residential Street Maintenance Program received additional ...
As the famed North American road gears up to celebrate its centenary, head to Arizona; home to the longest remaining stretch ...
Excitement is building as the NFL Draft in Green Bay is less than four weeks away. With that date nearing, the city of Ashwaubenon is starting ...
The new sidewalk in Madison County IL is part of the third of four phases to connect Center Grove Road to Schwarz Street.
State Route 24 is considered an economic link for the Southeast Valley. More than 10,000 homes are planned in the ...
Several infrastructure improvement projects in the Comal River area are underway and set to wrap up ahead of Memorial Day ...
Q&A: For a better understanding of the Inner East Loop project, The Eagle reached out to Quiddity Engineering, the firm hired ...
The Historic Columbia River Highway, also known as U.S. 30, has temporarily reopened at Larch Mountain Road after being ...