When atoms collide, their exact structure—for example, the number of electrons they have or even the quantum spin of their ...
In a groundbreaking study, scientists developed new ways to control atom collisions using optical tweezers, offering insights ...
Researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney have proven that ...
A new method finally reveals the full quantum identity of electrons, offering insights that could transform material science ...
Microsoft on Wednesday unveiled its new Majorana 1 chip, which Satya Nadella described as a "breakthrough" in quantum ...
Two waves are coherent when there is a meaningful relationship between their phases or when their interference creates a well ...
By integrating topoconductors and Majorana particles, Microsoft has mapped out a viable route to a million-qubit quantum chip ...
The approach, called the Beryllium Electron capture in Superconducting Tunnel junctions experiment (BeEST) works because the ...
Zionism 2.0 is currently elaborating plans to develop projects of breathtaking grandeur and technological majesty that will ...
What did Newton understand that was such a revolution? Can someone just... explain gravity to me? Let's start with a ...
For a field that many have long considered decades away, quantum computing sure is getting a lot of buzz in Silicon Valley.