Pope Francis has said he wants to give women greater leadership roles in the Roman Catholic Church. If he really wants to ...
The publication of the Vatican declaration Fiducia supplicans in December 2023, allowing the blessing of same-sex couples in ...
Passetto di Borgo, Rome’s historic papal escape route, reopened after years of restoration. Here's how to visit it.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity began January 18. Once a major obstacle for other Christian churches, the primacy of ...
AUTOBIOGRAPHYHope: the AutobiographyPope FrancisPenguin, $36.99 The best pope of my lifetime was John Paul I. He only lasted ...
The world’s smallest sovereign state has a population of less than 800 and is surrounded by the city of Rome, but the Vatican ...
A cross containing dirt stained with the blood of Sister Dorothy Stang, a U.S. member of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur ...