Visiting the National Gallery of Art in Washington during Lent is always an enriching experience, but a recently acquired ...
The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection – Chapter I was set to premiere on April 18, 2025. However, the title has been ...
Each year, when Easter arrives, many feel the need to rewatch "The Passion of the Christ." Mel Gibson's faith-based ...
Jim Caviezel in talks to resurrect Jesus role in Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ sequel Mel Gibson: Passion of the Christ sequel would focus on the resurrection ...
The value of suffering can be summed up in the phrase omnia in bonum, meaning “all things work together for the good” — a ...
If we talk about the best films of Holy Week, it is inevitable not to mention The Passion of Christ, the film directed by Mel Gibson, and which was considered one of the most realistic ...
arbeitet er mit The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection an einer Fortsetzung des Stoffes. Wie der Titel besagt, soll sich das Sequel um die Auferstehung von Jesus Christus drehen. (LE) ...