The first time Dr. Fajgenbaum repurposed a drug, it was in an attempt to save his own life. At 25, while in medical school, ...
Her defense attorney said there is no evidence showing she knew about the fentanyl-laced drugs that killed him.
Matthew Byrne and Beau Devlin, aged 44 and 33 years old respectively ... the duo had attempted to import roughly five tons of cocaine into the UK though a number of European ports between May ...
Practicing medicine can be demanding on physicians’ time, energy, and wellbeing. The worst of this is during residency, where 80-plus hour work weeks, 24-plus hour shifts, and difficult on-call ...
The father and son were convicted of drug trafficking charges in April 2023 after trafficking more than 5 kilograms–or $600,000 worth–of cocaine from New York City ... years of supervised release ...
He said that on February 12, he found his wife smoking crack cocaine in their bedroom with their three-year-old boy in the home at the time. Judge Gabbett asked: “I see a lot of crack cocaine ...
PARIS, March 4 (Reuters) - French authorities seized 10 tonnes of cocaine in the port of Dunkirk over the weekend, a source in the Paris prosecutor's office said on Tuesday. French media reported ...
the 18-year-old said he only meant to scare Ruiz. Two people told deputies Garcia-Castro had a problem with Ruiz because he believed she stole cocaine from him and tried to resell it, according to ...