The story of Loki killing King Harald was told by the Giants, but it's possible he didn't actually do it. Loki's demeanor ...
The modern tradition in America of using mistletoe around the Christmas holiday season dates back to the Celts of northern ...
As Charles Panati's Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things tells us, it all goes back to Norse mythology when Loki's ...
Friday the 13th has arrived in the final month of the year, but this one might bring a little extra magic. With the Geminids meteor shower illuminating the night sky, it’s a great opportunity to ...
According to a Norse myth, the unlucky reputation of the number 13 ties in with a story of 12 gods having a dinner party in Valhalla. It tells how the trickster god Loki showed up as the ...
It happens at least once every year and always elicits suspicion for those inclined towards superstition. Friday 13th is here ...
Friday the 13 stands as a peculiar blend of ancient beliefs, cultural lore, and modern imagination -- a date that stirs fear, ...
Friday the 13th is when the 13th day of the month in the Gregorian calendar falls on a Friday (well, duh). This happens only ...