New research from several sites is starting to suggest that people came to the Americas earlier — perhaps far earlier — than ...
This year, we learned that our Neanderthal cousins were a lot like us, despite treading their own path that ended in ...
Marine Fossils Found in Cave Reveal Neanderthals Liked Collecting Objects, Shed Light on Their Cognitive Capability An ...
Research shows a link between Zlatý kůň and Ranis, early European modern humans who retained African traits, lacked ...
These genomes are the oldest yet found of modern humans in Europe. Like any good research, these genomes lead to more ...
Researchers at the Department of Paleobiology, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales in Madrid report that analysis of a ...
Fossils from a Spanish cave have been newly analyzed, and it was found that Neanderthals were possibly capable of abstract ...
Tens of thousands of years ago, modern humans mated with Neanderthals. But exactly how and when that happened, and who those ...
New research refines the timeline of interbreeding between modern humans and Neanderthals, showing it began about 50,500 ...
Ben Witten found an unusual rock on an English beach when he was 6. It turned out to be an exceedingly rare hand ax made by Neanderthals, tens of thousands of years ago.
Tens of thousands of years ago, modern humans mated with Neanderthals. But exactly how and when that happened -- and who ...
Africans. Scientists analyzed the lengths of regions of Neanderthal DNA in 58 ancient Eurasian genomes of early modern humans and determined that the introgressed genes result from interbreeding ...