Coretta once said that while Martin had to be serious in public, he was a playful, humorous family man. See glimpses of that in these heartwarming images.
Martin Luther King Jr. Civil Rights Movement March was held in south Bethlehem on Monday to commemorate the civil rights ...
Ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, here is a selection of images that came from these travels: postcards from six streets named after King.
Community members gathered to honor the civil rights leader and share the importance of “Umoja,” the Swahili word for unity.
The annual event coinciding with the holiday kicked off with participants meeting at the Comfort Suites on West Third Street.
The Cavs honored the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday for their 3:30 p.m. game vs. Phoenix at Rocket ...
The assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is getting a fresh look after ... though he probably was part of a small-scale conspiracy involving two St. Louis racists.
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. speaks into a microphone after being released from prison for leading a boycott. (Photo by Donald Uhrbrock/Getty Images) He said that he wanted to use the service to ...
Purdue celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s work and legacy on civil rights, social justice and community service with events this week. On Monday (Jan. 20), Purdue’s MLK Day of Service marked ...