Monday’s topic is “Family Preparedness Plans & NOAA Weather Radios.” When making any severe weather plan, the first step is to prepare an emergency home kit. This would include flashlights, clothes, ...
Austin’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management recommends everyone have a plan to stay prepared in case of a ...
To prepare mentally for a disaster, people should read up on what extreme weather events are most likely to affect their ...
The start of a New Year is a time when lots of people re-evaluate, re-assess, and re-organize. It is also a really great time ...
Since then, we moved to the Midwest – where the threat of natural disasters felt decidedly less imminent – and started a family ... suited in a disaster, so I plan to make more connections ...
You can’t go into natural disaster preparedness with your eyes ... and have their contact information nearby. Make sure to discuss your plan with family, friends and neighbors who can help ...
A little preparation can help provide for basic needs, reestablish access to assets and apply for assistance faster.
Cal Fire's list of six P's includes action items to include in your emergency preparedness plan. You should pick a meeting point for your family members to join each other after evacuating that is ...
Don’t forget to make sure every family member knows where the kit is. This will prevent having to search for it if trouble arises. Another ideal spot for an emergency preparedness kit is the car.
This year, consider making your wealth plan ... family priorities and relationships. Consider also whether those named as executors or trustees in your will are still the right choices, and make ...