“Train Dreams,” a drama starring Joel Edgerton and Felicity Jones, has been acquired by Netflix out of Sundance. Our own review called it a “patient, profound and painful experience” and compared it ...
Netflix is buying the Joel Edgerton and Felicity Jones drama Train Dreams at Sundance. Sources tell us that the deal was in ...
While Sundance hasn’t had a plethora of the late night bidding wars we used to see in the good old days of the festival, the weirdness of the Los Angeles fires and the advent of the online platform ...
Train Dreams,” a lyrical drama about a logger whose work developing America’s railroad keeps him laboring in isolation, has sold to Netflix. The film earned rave reviews after debuting at this year’s ...
Kathryn Bigelow's upcoming movie at Netflix with Rebecca Ferguson, Jason Clarke, and Idris Elba will be released later this year in the Fall.
The first big movie event of 2025, the Sundance Film Festival, is fast fading in the rearview mirror. This means, after navigating the colds ...
The 'Train Dreams' co-writers are also Oscar nominees for Sing Sing, but Clint Bentley and Greg Kwedar almost didn't wake up ...
Film legend Harrison Ford is the star of a new worldwide ad-campaign for Glenmorangie Highland single malt Scotch whiskey.
The two North Texas filmmakers behind the A24 film Sing Sing debuted their latest collaboration at the Sundance Film Festival ...
The Glenmorangie campaign also featured Justin O’Shea as creative director, Lachlan Bailey as photographer, and Vogue ...