Nestled within the magical Harz Mountains lies a quaint German town. Within the colorful half-timbered houses, there are some ...
The researchers were interested in supernatural stories associated with specific features in the historical landscape.
Some of Germany's neighbours do have operable nuclear plants, but they don't line the borders as the map suggests. View on ...
Saudi Arabian sources say they repeatedly warned Germany about the suspect's "extremist" views. Nine-year-old victim's family to share donations with fellow bereaved As we reported earlier ...
Germany’s election campaign is turning into a fervent ideological clash over starkly differing economic visions. As Germans become increasingly worried about their country’s ailing economy — set to ...
By Jim Tankersley Jim Tankersley, a longtime economic policy correspondent, leads coverage of Germany for The Times. If you are looking for a quick explanation for why Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s ...
Ms. Sauerbrey is a German journalist who writes about Germany’s politics, society and culture. She wrote from Berlin. When I recently picked up a rental car in Las Vegas — I was in America to ...
Barring a major and unexpected reversal in the polls, Merz of the CDU/CSU is highly likely to be Germany’s new chancellor. National opinion polls currently have the CDU/CSU way out ahead of the ...
Given a second term, he said he would invest heavily in Germany's creaking infrastructure, not make the spending cuts he said the conservatives wanted. "Shortsightedness might save money in the ...
Sponsor Message Scholz's fractious three-party coalition government collapsed in early November, when the chancellor fired his finance minister in a dispute over how to revitalize Germany's ...
(Bloomberg) -- Germany is reaching a point of no return. Business leaders know it, the people in the country feel it, but politicians haven’t come up with answers. That has set Europe’s ...