Apple on Thursday announced that its Diwali offer is live on Apple's official India website and the company is offering first-gen AirPods for free with iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 mini. Apple has ...
including the iPhone 12/iPhone 12 Mini’s new 6.1-inch/5.4-inch Super Retina XDR OLED display, 5G capabilities, its A14 processor and more, amount to an impressive smartphone package. Except for the ...
Apple’s newest iPhone 12 Mini is small but jam-packed with quality. It is being marketed as the world’s thinnest, lightest 5G phone. And there are sure to be a few hanging in Christmas stockings this ...
including the iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12 Pro Max. As I noted on Twitter a few days ago, Apple silently updated their iPhone 12 assets at some point over the past month with official templates for ...