Punxsutawney Phil is adorable, but a woodchuck from New York has him beat for accuracy, according to NOAA weather data ...
Get to know Staten Island's beloved groundhog, Chuck, and learn about his role in predicting the weather on Groundhog Day.
This winter has been harsh, especially in the Midwest and East Coast, but in just a couple weeks, on Groundhog Day, we'll find out if we're going to find out we're going to have an extra long winter.
If the day is sunny and Phil sees his shadow ... Punxsutawney Phil’s full name, according to the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, is “Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages ...
Many people gearing up for Groundhog Day, when eyes are on Punxsutawney Phil to learn if six more weeks of winter or an early spring is on the horizon. While Groundhog Day is Feb. 2, celebrations ...
Before you take the trip over to Pennsylvania for Groundhog Day festivities there, you should at least know a little bit about Punxsutawney Phil, especially if you want to see if he sees his shadow.
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — An annual Groundhog Day ceremony took an unexpected turn with a startling drop. On Feb. 2, 2014, Mayor Bill de Blasio accidentally dropped Staten Island Chuck during the ...