Waterman vowed to make a pen that would have its own ink supply so he would never lose a deal in this way again. The first fountain pens were hollow bodied and were filled by using an eyedropper.
Fountain pens have been in use for a very long time, with the first patent registered all the way back in 1827. With the invention of word processors, writing has changed a lot since then but one ...
George S Parker filed his first patent in 1889 ... The factory closed in 2009. The Slimfold fountain pens (left) were sold in 4 colours {black, blue, red and green). Based upon the popular ...
As we previously mentioned, the first difference is the ink. Fountain pens use a liquid-based ink which takes a while to dry. This allows the ink to flow smoothly. Ballpoints use a much thicker ink.
Signing an important document or contract? Scribbling in your next dairy entry? Or brainstorming novel ideas? Put pen to paper with a writing instrument to match the occasion. Using a fountain pen ...