During this, Bollywood actress Mouni Roy was seen celebrating the New Year with her husband Suraj Nambiar and her friend and actor Disha Patani. However, a video of the Brahmastra actor is going ...
The actor was accompanied by her husband Suraj Nambiar and BFF Disha Patani, when the paparazzi surrounded them for pictures. Mouni lost balance and fell on the pavement. Suraj held her hand and ...
She was accompanied by BFF Disha Patani and husband Suraj Nambiar. In a viral video, Mouni Roy can be seen falling down all of a sudden. The security personnel and lensmen, stationed over there ...
Actress Mouni Roy partied hard with her husband Suraj Nambiar, best friend Disha Patani and others on Tuesday. But the New Year began for her on a wrong note as she suffered a major mishap while ...
Disha Patani made sure to make heads turn at Manish Malhotra's house party held at his Mumbai home on December 27, 2024. The Kanguva actress served a wine-coded slip dress that couldn't let people ...