The state needs a coordinated, multifaceted effort to grow the workforce, support contractors, and engage employers, ...
From tackling disparities among farmworkers to empowering the next generation of artists, these leaders are making a difference.
I knew I didn’t want to be in an office in downtown Atlanta forever,” said Amos, who left an accounting position to own and operate Jimmy John’s franchise restaurants in 2022. Even on the worst days ...
In a time when many high-profile careers seemingly require degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines, where do those who choose to major in the humanities stand?
ShareIkechukwu Erojikwe (PhD) is a theatre scholar, director, actor, poet, and edutainment specialist. Founder of ...
Marilyn stands out as a leader who not only recruited disruptors but spent a lot of her time and effort trying to figure out ...