With big cash prizes at stake—and AI supercharging research—interspecies translation is closer than ever. But what, if ...
"Welcome to Ginger Cat, a place for animal lovers who care about their well-being. Catch us on Wild Wonders as we work to ...
Armed with the ability to accept all cells as its own, comb jellies can merge with others to survive. Here’s how it works.
In a single IV injection, a gene therapy targeting cBIN1 can reverse the effects of heart failure and restore heart function in a large animal model. The therapy increases the amount of blood the ...
“The missing link in the whole zoonotic story has been the animal,” says Edward Holmes, a virologist at the University of Sydney in Australia. “If you can show there are infected animals at ...
Thailand is sending almost 1,000 highly endangered tortoises and lemurs home to Madagascar in a landmark victory against animal trafficking ... police recovered 1,117 animals, eight of which ...
But animals are the ultimate delegators ... extends Degnan and her colleagues’ own proposition that the first animal cells were able to transition between multiple states, similar to modern ...
While it's not something we like to think about, death comes for us all eventually, whether you're an animal, a plant, or even a cell. And even though we can all differentiate between what is ...
To ensure that the right genes are activated in the right cells, and in the right amounts ... Now, for the first time in animals, the lab of Daniel McKay, Ph.D., associate professor of biology ...
Frazier, W., Kandel, E. R., Kupfermann, I., and Waziri, R., J. Neurophysiol. (in the press, 1967). Coggeshall, R. E., Kandel, E. R., Kupfermann, I., and Waziri, R., J ...
On land, poaching, trophy hunting, predator hunting and recreational harvests are responsible for the loss of other types of old animals. On land and sea, old animal decline is also caused by ...
Flow, the animated film that’s Latvia’s submission ... A survivalist thriller that’s designed to appeal equally to animal lovers, avant-garde-cartoon aficionados and environmental doomsayers ...