We all need to repent for complicity in licensing Donald Trump to unleash an agenda of retribution and meanness throughout ...
“Covenantal thinking created an American national identity,” said Smith. He emphasized that the covenant ties together a ...
Pew found a huge age gap, with young adults overwhelmingly less religious than their elders—some 46 percent of the youngest Americans identify as Christian, compared to 80 percent of the oldest adults ...
Turns out, things are MASSIVELY different in different states and even different schools within states. Public schools are ...
A new survey of religious affiliations in the US shows which states have seen the largest growth in Christianity, and which ...
Christians’ share among U.S. adults has fallen across demographic groups since 2007, but there has been overall stability in ...
Growing divisions split the American Jewish community between those defending Israel and concerned with Jewish safety, and ...
Across religious groups, majorities see America’s openness to others as essential to national identity. But views on rising ...
A major new study on religious views in the United States finds – as Americans’ connection to organized religion continues to fade – there are deep divides over the appropriate role for religion in ...
Two previous Pew studies charted the sharp decline of Christianity in America. The number of people identifying as Christian dropped by about 5 million over seven years, while the percentage saying ...
Gregory Garre, the head of Latham & Watkins' Supreme Court practice, is expected to argue against the approval of the ...
A Pew Research report observed that while America's population of Christians has declined since 2007, the freefall appears to have stopped across multiple denominations.