Here's a simulation of what the Event Horizon Team thought the black hole would look like. And here's the real image. The light you see here is what's called the accretion disk. It's a disk of ...
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are among the most energetic phenomena observed in the universe. These luminous objects, powered ...
A remarkable black hole, located 270 million light-years away in the Draco constellation, has become the center of ...
Scientists have published a spectacular new polarised light image of the strong magnetic fields spiraling from the edge of the black hole at the center of our galaxy. Seen in polarised light for ...
The photo is of the radio emissions caused by the active feeding of the black hole. According to astronomers, the image spans that of 16 full Moons side by side. According to the release ...
Astronomers have witnessed a monster supermassive black hole erupting with a light-year-long jet traveling at one-third the ...
The first black hole that astronomers observed "turning off" just turned back on, releasing jets of hot gas into the cosmos.
A team that included University of Arizona astronomers captured the infrared image of the supermassive black hole using a Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer.
The new analog could help us learn more about the elusive radiation that is believed to be emitted by real black holes ... While we have captured images of black holes, they are all grainy and ...
The universe is full of black holes. In the past decade, scientists have detected the signals of their collisions and taken images of the light from the ... have a massive star collapse at the end of ...
According to Heino Falcke, a Radio Astronomy Professors, “With them, you can take near perfect images to see the real details of black holes. If small deviations from Einstein's theory occur ...
A large international team of scientists observed a rare event in real time: a dramatic increase in radio emission and the ...