Albin Kurti's party is on track to come first in Kosovo's general election but may not be able to govern alone.
Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti has again refused to report to the Special Prosecutor’s Office that had summoned him as a ...
Lëvizja Vetëvendosje do të ankohet në Gjykatën Supreme, pas refuzimit të ankesës si të pasafatshme nga Paneli Zgjedhor për ...
Vetevendosje won 41.3% of votes with 88% of ballots counted, down from more than 50% in the 2021 poll that brought a Vetevendosje-led coalition to power, results from the election commission showed.
"Ne do të vazhdojmë t'ju mbrojmë ju, ashtu siç kemi bërë që nga Lufta e Dytë Botërore. Ne jemi të gatshëm të investojmë ...
Kosovo looked set for a period of political uncertainty on Monday as the major political parties ruled out coalition building after an election in which the ruling party fell short of an outright ...
Serbia does not recognize Kosovo’s independence. With 88% of the votes counted, Kurti’s Self-Determination Movement Party, or Vetevendosje!, had won 41.3%, according to the Central Election ...
Paneli Zgjedhor për Ankesa dhe Parashtresa i ka refuzuar ankesat e Lëvizjes Vetëvendosje për anulimin e rezultateve të ...
Kosovo's ruling Vetevendosje party is on track to come first in a parliamentary election on Sunday, but it will need to negotiate a coalition with other parties to form a government, exit polls and ...
Serbia does not recognize Kosovo’s independence. With 88% of the votes counted, Kurti’s Self-Determination Movement Party, or Vetevendosje!, had won 41.3%, according to the Central Election ...