New hires specialize in flood risk assessment and drainage strategies in support of new water services offering. LEEDS, UK / ...
More than 6,000 people signed a petition against the proposal before the Scottish Government granted approval for the scheme.
A group of children are still unable to learn in their own school after it was flooded earlier this month. Every classroom at ...
Mold county councillor, Teresa Carberry, has been a member of Lions International for over 15 years. She has successfully secured funding from the service organisation to purchase ten floodgates for ...
Forterra, one of the UK’s leading building products manufacturers, is providing a range of support to help developers, architects, and planners adapt to new sustainable drainage system (SuDS) ...
A developer is expected to be appointed for a coastal defence scheme in Paignton by the end of January, says Torbay Council.
WIRRAL Council looks set to move forward with plans to create a new wetlands area between two towns in the west of the borough. The project ...
With new sellers flooding the market and asking prices rising sharply, the UK housing market has seen a noticeable uptick in ...
A drain in Lancashire All of the 294,000 drains on Lancashire’s roads are to be cleaned out over the next two years after ...
Engineers are to carry out ‘beach recycling’ between Hunstanton and Heacham next month over a distance of about five miles.
ANDY Burnham says problem flooding in Platt Bridge ‘must be resolved’ after the area was devastated on New Year’s Day.
The list of challenges facing fleet decision-makers over the next 12 months is as extensive as it was a year ago, leasing ...