Nigeria head five qualifiers for the 2025 Africa Cup of Nations on Thursday, as Ghana are given a lifeline in their bid to ...
የዩጋንዳው ፕሬዝደንት ዩዌሪ ሙሴቪኒ በሕዝብ ፊት ይገረፉ የሚል መልዕክት በቲክቶክ ያስተላለፈው የ21 ዓመት ወጣት በፍርድ ቤት ጥፋተኛ ተብሏል። ኢማኑዌል ናቡጎዲ፤ ሙሴቪኒ በፍ/ቤት ሲዳኙ የሚያሳይ ...
"Marking a significant expansion of the program," the addition of Asia resulted in 28 percent of total submissions originating from the continent, organizers highlight.