Tausende starben in den Folterkellern von Syriens Machthaber Baschar al-Assad. Die Überlebenden haben ihr Leben lang mit ...
Die auf dem Lichtbild abgebildete Person steht im Verdacht, einen 38-jährigen Mann in einer Notunterkunft für Obdachlose ...
The 38-year-old suffered a life-threatening injury from the stab below the sternum and is still receiving inpatient treatment ...
The Baltimore Ravens footballers have secured a place in the play-offs in the US professional NFL league. The team led by ...
Thousands died in the torture cellars of Syria's ruler Bashar al-Assad. The survivors have had to struggle with trauma for ...
Der deutsche Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius ahnt Böses. In wenigen Jahren könnte Russland NATO-Territorium attackieren ...
German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has a bad feeling. In a few years, Russia could attack NATO territory, he warns. At ...
The serious allegations came to light on Sunday morning. According to the report, "based on what we know so far", it is ...
Niederösterreichs Landeshauptfrau Johanna Mikl-Leitner macht weiter Druck auf die Koalitionsverhandler im Bund. „Es reicht ...
Leitner, Governor of Lower Austria, is continuing to put pressure on the coalition negotiators in the federal government. "It ...
Ein „heißes Höschen“ hatte ein 24-jähriger Österreicher an, als er bei einer Zugkontrolle in Plattling (Bayern) von Fahndern ...
A 24-year-old Austrian was wearing "hot knickers" when he was checked by investigators during a train stop in Plattling ...