Brain drain – the emigration of skilled professionals to pursue opportunities abroad in another country – has emerged as a significant challenge for Central-Eastern European countries in recent ...
In the Blue Europe Country Dossiers, we present Central and Eastern European countries under a basical but important point of view : how their economy work. Our articles are updated yearly, for a more ...
Blue Europe is both a think tank and an editorial project about the links between Central and Western Europe. Our vision is to develop exchanges between the West and the East, particularly at the ...
Our reports on topics of interest—including structural evolutions, sectorial analysis and other—put us in conversation with policymakers and thought leaders on the issues facing leaders today. Our ...
This article won the 2021 Blue Europe Young Academics contest, thanks to its pedagogic qualities. Addendum 21/03/2022: The paper was written and accepted bef ...
Blue Europe is both a think tank and an editorial project about the links between Central and Western Europe. Our vision is to develop exchanges between the West and the East, particularly at the ...
V roce 1958 zahájila československá vláda výstavbu první jaderné elektrárny v Československé republice – plynem chlazeného těžkovodního tlakovodního reaktoru v Bohunicích (dnes na Slovensku). Tento ...
Find out about Europe’s geopolitical and economic prospects. Our reports analyse the current political map of the old continent and, in addition, details the region’s main economies and how they ...
We’re committed to providing the highest quality research and monitoring. Our positive attitude aims to bring you up to date knowledge on developments in your region and the world through our concise, ...