Carnegie Mellon’s student gallery The Frame is back with “The Clothes Make the Man,” a solo show of BXA senior Lillian van Veen’s latest exciting multi-media work. The show was on March 20–22, so ...
By By Katherine Casarrubias Gallardo Researchers injected induced pluripotent cells into four paralyzed patients, leading to mixed but promising results. Courtesy of NIH Image Gallery via ...
Lunar Gala was a great success. I had never attended a fashion show before, so I have to admit that my expectations were very low. However, as soon as I arrived at University ...
Spoilers for Netflix’s “Adolescence.”  “Adolescence” is a four-part Netflix miniseries that was released on March 13. The show is a British crime drama that explores the stabbing of a young girl, ...
By Sage Rohrbach On March 27, artist and founder of A[I]rchitectural Minds Ingrid Mayrhofer-Hufnagi presented two of her projects which merge technology and creativity. Sage Rohrbach/ Junior ...
By Adrien Marenco Courtesy of Yuri Shirota via Unsplash Most people’s first memory comes from when they were around 3 to 4 years old and experienced an emotionally important or mildly traumatic ...
I caught wind that one of my favorite bands from early high school would be at a music festival called Wonderworks. Then I found out that I couldn’t go. I was ...
Within my first hour of college, I became best friends with my roommate. We discovered that we used the same brand of menstrual cup, and from that moment on, I knew we would be inseparable. There ...