In our final episode for the year, SunWiz’s Warwick Johnston on the highs and the lows of 2024 for rooftop PV, home batteries and all those who make the industry tick. Plus the news of the week. You ...
Despite all the talk of the difficulties and costs of managing increasing amounts of rooftop solar on the grid, distribution network companies are currently using only around 1% of their total ...
Australia is still investing heavily in new fossil gas projects, the Australian government’s Future Gas Strategy emphasises the continued use of gas beyond 2050, and we still don’t have a gas ...
Australia is still investing heavily in new fossil gas projects. One of the nation’s largest and most polluting gas plants, Woodside’s North-West Shelf Project, was given a green tick last week. The ...
When it comes to electrification everyone’s situation is different, and whilst many people are curious about home electrification, others are disinterested or hesitant – it’s seen as too complex, too ...
The application of electricity demand tariffs in New South Wales is adding hundreds of dollars to household bills, in some cases without the consent of the consumer and often without any information ...
Given Peter Dutton’s repeated concern for the size of your energy bill, it is intriguing that he doesn’t seem to realise how much households save on their energy bills by switching to solar, ...
Three simple, effective ways to stop your solar electricity going to waste.
Four million Australian households and businesses have rooftop solar installed, making us the world leader in the technology. Much of the electricity generated is used to power our homes, and any ...
A $15m large-scale solar and battery storage rollout across six regional Western Australia towns has been completed, with a final system installed at Norseman.
Four good quality solar panels - costing around $500 - would produce enough power for an EV for 20 years. Low cost solar is an incredible opportunity we should not ignore.
In our final episode for the year, SunWiz's Warwick Johnston on the highs and the lows of 2024 for rooftop PV, home batteries and all those who make the industry tick. Plus the news of the week.