Perry, the beloved real-life stand-in for the “Shrek” donkey voiced by Eddie Murphy, has died. He was 30. The donkey’s ...
Perry, the donkey who served as a live-action model for the character Eddie Murphy voices in the 'Shrek' franchise, has died ...
Perry, the all-star Jerusalem donkey who served as the visual inspiration for Eddie Murphy 's motor-mouthed and dragon-loving ...
Pericles, affectionately known as Perry, was a Jerusalem miniature donkey from New York City who achieved fame after helping ...
RIP Perry the miniature donkey, who inspired Eddie Murphy's character in the Shrek films. In 1999, DreamWorks animators ...
Perry, a Jerusalem miniature donkey, was first brought to California to help calm polo ponies, but instead he nipped at them, ...
Perry’s handlers said he won the hearts of visitors ‘with his beautiful soulful eyes and his sweet and gentle disposition’ ...
Perry – short for Pericles – a miniature ... for animators working on the Oscar-winning 2001 comedy. Voiced by Eddie Murphy, the talkative Donkey served as the sidekick to Shrek (Mike Myers ...
A real-life donkey who served as the animation model for the character Donkey in the “Shrek” franchise died on Thursday at the age of 30 at his home in California. Pericles, affectionately ...
You may have heard of it. Indeed, Perry was the miniature donkey whose physical appearance was the model for Eddie Murphy’s Donkey in the Shrek films – the first of which was released in 2001 ...
Perry, the original donkey that served as the model for Eddie Murphy’s Donkey in the now classic Shrek movies, has died at the age of 30. Shrek first made its debut in the early 2000s, and 25 years ...